Share an idea

Every individual or organization, inspired to be part of a transformative movement towards a Golden Pondicherry in all aspects, are welcome. Participation can be in any field and in any form.

Our aim is to make Swarnim Puducherry a truly inclusive endeavor where all stakeholders, including the public, private sector, community, individuals, institutions, and corporations, join as partners to drive Puducherry to become a model Union Territory.

Qualifying Criteria:

There are no qualifying criteria for joining or contributing. Anyone and everyone who finds the concept appealing can connect with us or contribute. The ideas or models collected through this initiative will be considered for turnkey support and incubation into sustainable revenue-generating social enterprises through our upcoming Social Entrepreneurship Centre.

Connect with us if you:

  • Have an innovative idea for bringing positive change in Puducherry.
  • Are already working on a developmental project for Puducherry and would like to scale it up.
  • Would like to be part of the team and help conceptualize, design, manage, or implement the initiative.
  • Have conducted research or are interested in conducting research aligned with our vision.
  • Would like to provide fund support to Swarnim Puducherry in general or for a specific cause undertaken.
  • Are aware of a specific issue in Puducherry that you think Swarnim Puducherry should address.

Share your idea

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